- Online Services
When the surgery is closed
- Health Information
- Practice Information
Patient Responsibilities
Treat all of our staff with courtesy and respect.
Online resources for self help guidance
There are plenty of resources available online that will help you with many minor illnesses. Click on the logos (below) to be taken to the main resources providing helpful guidance and useful information on how you can help yourself, or go to the Health Information section of this website for additional support and information. Our online resources page also lists many other useful web tools and apps.
- Advise us of changes in names and addresses
- Do not be late for your appointment and Inform us as soon as possible if you are unable to keep your appointment
- Remember to allow 48 hours for a repeat prescription and to send us your request with ticks against only the items you require
- Do not ask for a home visit unless it is essential
- Do not expect the doctor to deal with a long list of health problems or see two members of your family when you have only booked one appointment – if you require a longer appointment please ask when booking the appointment
- Keep your telephone calls short, and make non-urgent calls in the afternoon. Calls to find out the results of tests should be made after 3.30pm
- Speak to a member of staff if you wish to see your medical records. A fee may be payable
- You are responsible for your own health and that of your children. Please act on the advice given by the surgery
- Where an appointment or acknowledgement of a routine referral for a hospital appointment is not received within six weeks please contact the surgery
Improved Access
We are working together with other local practices to offer patients access to more appointments in the early mornings, evenings and at weekends. To find out more about these services, please contact the practice.
Online resources for self help guidance
- You will be treated as an individual with courtesy and respect at all times. You have the right to confidentiality
- Your religious and cultural beliefs will be honoured where they are known
- You have a right to information about your own health (illness, treatment, possible side effects, prevention or recurring illness etc)
- We will offer medical advice and information for promotion of good health
- You have the right to see your own medical records subject to the limitations of the law. A charge may be made
- Home visits will be made when requested and if the doctor feels that you are not well enough to attend the surgery. The final decision rests with the doctor
- We may tell you your test results when you telephone the surgery, or you may be asked to make an appointment to discuss them with the doctor
- If your doctor believes that you need a second opinion, then this will be arranged
- Routine referral letters for hospital appointments will normally be sent within three working days of the referral being agreed with the doctor. Urgent referrals may be faxed, telephoned or provided as a handwritten note for the patient to take to hospital
- Whenever possible the telephone will be answered promptly
Protecting Your Information
The health professionals caring for you keep records about your health and the treatment you receive. This information is used to help them decide the best possible care and treatment for you. Everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to maintain the highest level of confidentiality. Generally, your records will only be seen by those involved in providing or administering your care. A few administrative processes require information that may identify you. We will share relevant information about you with other Health care organisations treating you. We will talk to you before information is shared to ensure that we act with your consent. If you are unable to give your consent for any reason, we will only share information where it is clearly in your best interest to do so. To help us keep our records accurate and up to date please advise us of any changes to your personal information such as name or contact details.
If you want to know more please refer to the leaflet held in reception entitled “Your Health Record, Protecting Your Information” or talk to a member of our staff.
Patient Records
Under the Data Protection Act 1998 you are entitled to access your clinical records or other personal information. To do so please contact the practice manager.
Freedom Of Information - Publication Scheme
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 obliges the practice to produce a Publication Scheme. A Publication Scheme is a guide to the ‘classes’ of information the practice intends to routinely make available. This document is part of this scheme. The full scheme is available from reception.
Publication of Practice Earnings
The General Medical Services (GMS) contract is the contract between general practices and NHS England for delivering NHS primary care services to patients.
All GP practices are required to declare the mean net earnings (eg. Average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice. This is required in the interests of the greater public accountability recognising GP pay is ultimately funded from tax paid by the public.
The average pay for GPs working in The Milton Surgery in the last financial year was £65751 before tax and national insurance. This is for 0 full time GP,7 part time GPs and 1 locum GPs who worked in the practice for more than six months.)
Staff Protection
Staff, doctors and nurses have the right to work in an environment free from violent, threatening and abusive behaviour; a policy of zero tolerance for such behaviour is in place throughout the National Health Service.
Violent, threatening or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated in the surgery. If you do not respect the rights of the doctors, nurses staff and other patients we may inform the police and will make arrangements for you to be removed from our medical list.
Violent patients will be obliged to obtain access to medical services through a specialist unit in Bristol.
Medical Services Contract
The practice has a Personal Medical Services contract with NHS England. Details of Primary medical services in the area can be obtained from them at Primary Care Commissioning, NHS England, Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire Area Team Address: Commissioning – 4th Floor, South Plaza, Marlborough Street, Bristol, BS1 3NX. NHS England also commission us for some services additional to our PMS contract.
We also provide other services in the surgery which are commissioned NHS North Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group or North Somerset County Council. Details of the services they commission can be obtained from them by writing to them at:
PO Box 247, Castlewood, Tickenham Road, Clevedon, BS21 9BH.
We also have arrangements for certain NHS services contracted by these three commissioners to operate from surgery premises during core hours. If you have any doubts about who commissions any particular service, please contact the reception team who will try their best to answer your queries NHS North Somerset also commission the “Out of Hours” services provided outside of core surgery hours.